Risk monitoring

GSN’s long experience in monitoring risk issues across the region has helped its owner Cross-border Information (CbI) develop a monitoring service, separate from the publication.

Political and economic risk monitoring

For clients, CbI provides regular coverage of political and economic developments in the Gulf and the wider Middle East.

These include reports sent to clients on a monthly, fortnightly, or even weekly basis. The reports provide consistent and thorough monitoring of what is happening politically and on the economic front.

Bespoke monitoring

CbI is also able to provide monitoring on a sector specific basis – for example on the defence, tourism, real estate or energy sectors of a particular country.

Contact Eleanor Gillespie to find out how we can help ensure you are better informed on the stories that may impact on your business.

Need more context and analysis?

Eleanor Gillespie would be pleased to discuss your requirements.

Tel: +44 (0)1424 721667